Q: How do I know if my order will benefit from an online form?

A: There are two major things to keep in mind:

  1. You can sell at least 50 items (you can mix styles but costs differ) and they would all get the same design, print color, and print size.

  2. There is enough time to setup, manage, and print your order if it goes online to work with the date you want people to receive their final product.  It takes about a week to setup an online ordering page (more or less time depending on amount of items).

Q: How much does an online order page cost?

A: The store is free as long as there are 50 items sold. You can have up to 3 separate items (with the same design with the same print color and size) and it can be live and taking sales for up 2 weeks.  Each order will have it's own turnaround times, so this will be a very important thing to discuss with us.

Q: Can I offer shipping?

A: Yes, you certainly can! Shipping/Handling is an additional fee though.  It's $25 for every 50 shipped orders.  Each online customer will pay their own shipping costs.  You have a free option of "Pick-Up" as well.  "Pick-Up" is a free option where we print all of the pick-up orders, and give them to you (as we normally would a screen print order) but we can list a date and location or any other info on your page so customers can see when and where they will receive their order.  For local orders, this works best.  We do not offer pick-up at our location, this location has to be set by you.

Important Things to Think about When Planning Your Online Order

  1. An online shop is free when: you sell at least 50 items (same design, print color, and print size).  If that minimum cannot be reached, we charge a $25 fee (50 for less than 25 items sold) for the online store service.
  2. There is Pickup and Shipping Options. Pickup (Your Set Location) comes with the store setup.  The shipping/handling add-on will be a $25 fee per 50 shipped orders (plus cost charged to the individual customer).
  3. There is a transaction fee of 2% for each purchase.  That will need to be built into the price that you charge.  We can help you figure this out.
  4. There will need to be properly planned cutoff dates for Pickup and/or Shipping options depending on when your order is due.  

Other Important Things to Note

  1. Please keep in mind that if your store does not reach it's minimum, that we still have service and subscription costs, as well as labor and time dedicated to your order page.  We hold true to our policy of at least 50 items or the $25 fee.
  2. There are absolutely no returns on custom print orders.  Shirt and Print defects can be returned within 7 days of receiving the order but after that we do not keep setup for custom orders.  Custom orders are great, but only apply to a small group, therefore unsellable to very many other people.
  3. When setting dates for receiving orders, we do not print until the sales are closed. When it comes to turnaround time on print orders, bulk printing is how we roll.  It keeps costs down for everyone and allows us to keep prices low.  With that said, we cannot print on demand.  It is not efficient for us to setup a print and print only one or two shirts as they come in.  If you have any questions, we can elaborate more on how this works.

T-Shirts - Junior Fundraiser Spartan Spirit Shop

Long Sleeve T-Shirts - Junior Fundraiser Spartan Spirit Shop 2023

Sweatshirts - Junior Fundraiser Spartan Spirit Shop

Pullover Hoodies - Junior Fundraiser Spartan Spirit Shop

Tri-blend T-Shirts - Junior Fundraiser Spartan Spirit Shop

Under Armour - Junior Fundraiser Spartan Spirit Shop

Polos - Junior Fundraiser Spartan Spirit Shop